National Advisory Committee

Our work has been informed by hundreds of researchers, practitioners, and policymakers. As an example, the SoLD Alliance National Advisory Committee (SNAC) regularly convenes to provide expert, strategic guidance to the SoLD Alliance as it develops infrastructure for systems change essential to making emerging lessons from the science of learning and development deeply understood, widely held, and actionable among education field leaders and the programs, organizations, and systems they lead. Members of the SNAC include field leaders from across the education and youth-serving landscape, representing research, practice, policy, and advocacy expertise.

Jim Balfanz


City Year

Jill Bramble

President and CEO

National 4-H Council

Andy Calkins


Next Generation Learning Challenges

LaShawn Routé Chatmon

Executive Director

National Equity Project

Camille Farrington

Managing Director, Senior Research Associate

University of Chicago Consortium on School Research

Andrew Frishman

Co-Executive Director

Big Picture Learning

Eric Gordon

Senior Vice President of Student Development and Education Pipeline

Cuyahoga Community College

Scott Hartl

President and CEO

EL Education

Robert Jagers

Vice President of Research


Lindsay Jones

Chief Executive Officer

CAST (Center for Applied Special Technology)

Melissa Kim

Deputy Chancellor

District of Columbia Public Schools

John King

President and CEO

Education Trust

Cynthia Leck



Carol Lee

Professor Emerita

Northwestern University

Rich Lerner

Bergstrom Chair in Applied Developmental Science

Tufts University

Robert Mahaffey

Executive Director

Rural School and Community Trust

Claire Marcy

Senior Vice President

Healthy Schools Campaign

Becky Pringle


National Education Association

Lisa Quay

Executive Director

Student Experience Research Network

Pedro Rivera


Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology

Kwesi Rollins

Senior Vice President of Leadership and Engagement

Institute for Educational Leadership

Rey Saldaña

President and CEO

Communities In Schools

Jim Shelton


Chief Investment & Impact Officer at Blue Meridian Partners

Hal Smith

Senior Vice President, Education, Youth Development & Health

National Urban League

Margaret Beale Spencer

Charles F. Grey Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus

University of Chicago

Shael Suransky


Bank Street College

Diane Tavenner

Co-Founder & CEO

Summit Public Schools

Marla Ucelli-Kashyap

Senior Director, Educational Issues

American Federation of Teachers

Winsome Waite

Senior Advisor

Global Science of Learning Education Network

Martin West

Henry Lee Shattuck Professor of Education, Academic Dean

Harvard Graduate School of Education

Ross Wiener

Vice President & Executive Director

Aspen Institute Education & Society Program

Carey Wright

State Superintendent of Schools

Maryland State Department of Education

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